SottoStudios Interview Live from Vegas NBAA.
Here's a fresh VIDEO interview from the AOPA LIVE BROADCAST (directed at the Aviation industry) that discusses the SkyRanch and the "why" of customization. Eddie Sotto along with Jay Beever, Embraer's VP of Interior Design, describe the Lineage 1000e and the new Phenom 300e. The fun starts about 9m30s in, but the whole show is exciting if you enjoy aircraft.
IYAA features SkyRanch One in their "Winners Issue"
Here are a few excerpts from the Luxe Et Al "Winners Issue," discussing why SkyRanch One received this most coveted "Best Private Jet Concept" award.
Many thanks once again to our gracious friends at Embraer Executive Aircraft for partnering with us on this design adventure. We couldn't have done it without you!
In the News: Embraer and SottoStudios team up. Again.
2017 has been the year for collaboration. Private Jet Services, Katy Glynn and Skytheater, and now another project, this one commissioned by innovation leader, Embraer Executive Aircraft. In 2013 Jay Beever, VP of interior design, struck by our notion of a "yacht that can fly" took it up the ladder in a day to win the management approval for us to bring it to the Lineage. From that moment on, Beever's encouragement, expert advice, and collaborative product vision has been at the heart of a great relationship that fueled our entries into some of the best and most widely published design this studio and Embraer have ever experienced. A great collaborative force. Skyacht One, Skyranch One, and now the Manhattan all are products of this relationship. All in the flagship Embraer Lineage. A worthy follow-up to winning the IYAA for SkyRanch together! Thanks to Jay, his team, and thanks to Embraer, now let's go build one!