One of Eddie Sotto’s passions has been innovating new shows and formats for Television, as he has developed and sold series concepts to Touchstone Television, Showtime, CNN, and served as creative director for web based series producers. Our team has produced and directed production resources for these presentation pieces as well.
One such project was a short form format for a news program to attract and sustain Current TV's target 18-35 demographic. Sotto landed on using search terms to drive the news stories in the same way we randomly surf the net. This was a hit with Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google and it premiered on Current TV in 2005 as their premium showcased project. It won a BDA Award for the red globe opening sequence. Here are some of the 14 early tests Eddie directed for the channel.
Google Search based news won a BaD award. This is a test we directed that demonstrates this innovative and addictive headline format.
In 2000 Sotto was made Advertising Director for the Digital Entertainment Network. The challenge was to represent large brands in an authentic, fresh way that would resonate with a young audience. The simplicity and creativity of our young directors and and very raw nature of the ads themselves was a breakthrough, resonated with the audience, and won acclaim from brands (and the ire of their Madison Avenue agencies) such as Ford, Pepsi, Pennzoil, Blockbuster, and more.