Long after the threat of domestic terror subsided, the ongoing requirement to reassure and protect continues to this day. Covid19, even post vaccine, will also leave behind a “new normal”. A guest can still be contagious even with vaccination! What company can afford to deal with another pandemic? Don’t delegate safety to the customer. The need to feel reassured medically when we share experiences is huge. Thermometers are not cutting it. The time to plan for that more fiscally sustainable “new normal” is now.
“Screening and clearing” vs distancing and masking.
Just as Airports screen us, then we are free to roam the terminal, reassured to fly without harm, we see our solution as similar “bubble” of secured safety as all guests and employees have been screened. We also see this entry screening as permanent but adjustable to any future pandemic threat, and with our experience skills, it will be as frictionless and themed to whatever experience it welcomes you to. Reassurance and protection.
To properly vet the technologies and test them for absolute integrity, we help to select the right combination to integrate into your business. SottoStudios formed a holistic “think tank” of top talent in augmented reality, application software, resort operations, medical, industrial design, and ex-Disney R&D, called Futureproof Experiences.
Dedicated to innovating and applying safe technical solutions to great repeatable experiences.
What types of internal technologies are you currently considering?
While terahertz is one way to see a virus, we are pursuing other methods, like super resolution microscopy which appears to be even more promising. There are several high capacity detection options that are in testing to emit as low as a 1 minute result. Some involve breath testing, uses wave sensing. All have advantages and beyond their own claims and tests, we will also conduct tests that apply to your specific business and scenarios for review by authorities. We work with you to vet potential technical solutions and once approved, apply their technology within an frictionless entry experience we design and produce especially for you. As turn-key as we can make it. We are not in the kiosk business, but to make the screening an experience, to instill a sense of “hassle free” well being and trust that leave your guests feeling safer with you than on the outside.