While working for Landmark Entertainment Group we got to design and build this great victorian Submarine in the manner of designer Harper Goff's "Nautilus," made famous in Disney's "20,000 Leagues under the Sea" epic. It was made for the "Six Flags Power Plant" family entertainment center in Baltimore, Maryland. The theme was that a professor named Phineas Flagg created many technical wonders prior to Jules Verne, Edison and others and guests could visit his world. The amazing model seen below was built by Terri Cardinali, a very talented sculptor from just one drawing! Also seen are a few shots of the finished sub. This was built on a shoestring budget and I was shocked it did not get cut from the project. Designer Joe DeMeis did the color styling. So fun and from such a small staff.
Ed Sotto's original design drawing.
Terri Cardinali worked at hundreds of insanely tiny details!
We had to "frost" the windows because we had to choose between having the Sub, or no interior.! Still an amazing piece.